Community Engagement

MoreBrains actively supports other organisations whose values are aligned with ours, and that share our commitment to open research, by volunteering our time and expertise to help them achieve their goals.

African Journal Partnership Program (AJPP) – Phill has been a partner of AJPP since 2023

Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) – Alice served on the ALPSP Awards Committee in 2023, Phill has been a member of the Learned Publishing Editorial Board since 2017

Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC) – Alice has been involved with this organisation since the start, and is the steering committee convenor for 2023-24

DataCite – Alice is a member of their Community Engagement Steering Group 

Data Science Journal – Fiona is on the Editorial Board

Dryad – Fiona has been a Board member since 2017, and held positions as Secretary and Vice-Chair in that time

European Association of Science Editors (EASE) – Fiona has been a Council Member since 2022 and edits the monthly newsletter

FORCE11 Scholarly Communications Institute (FSCI) – Fiona has been on the Steering Committee since 2017 

Geneva Workshops on Innovations in Scholarly Communications – Josh has been on the scientific committee since 2016

National Information Standards Organization (NISO) – Alice joined their Education Committee in 2023

OA Switchboard – Josh has been on the Advisory Board since 2022

Open Research Funders Group (ORFG) – Alice is on their working group for a national strategy on PIDs and metadata

Research Activity Identifier (RAiD) – Josh and Phill helped convene the Advisory Group, and continue to serve on it

Researcher to Reader conference – Phill and Fiona are both on the Advisory Board

Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) – Alice was President of SSP in 2021-22; she has served on the Board three times (2010-13, 2016-19, and 2020-23), as well as on several committees. She now serves as co-chair of the Kitchen Cabinet, the committee tasked with overseeing SSP’s blog, The Scholarly Kitchen; she and Phill are regular contributors (aka Chefs)

Vesalius Innovation Award (Karger Publishers) – Phill has served as a juror for the Karger Vesalius Innovation Awards since inception in 2020

In the past we have also volunteered for: ORCID, Peer Review Week, PIDapalooza, Research Data Alliance, and the STM Association. 

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